利兹大学的《历史学》硕士课程主要有这样几个专业:社会文化史文学硕士(MA Social and Cultural History)、艺术社会史文学硕士(MA Social History of Art)、种族与抵抗文学硕士(MA Race and Resistance)、现代史文学硕士(MA Modern History)、中世纪研究文学硕士(MA Medieval Studies)。下边分别给大家介绍一下这几个专业。
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation (Social and Cultural)、Concepts and Debates in Social and Cultural History、Engaging the Modern City: The Civic Researcher、Making History: Archive Collaborations、Gender, Sex, and Love: Byzantium and the West, 900-1200、Reformation(s): Belief and Culture in Early Modern Europe、India since 1947: Community, Caste and Political Violence、Sexuality and Disease in African History、Contesting Patriarchy: Debating Gender Justice in Colonial and Post-Colonial India.、Death, Dying and the Dead in Twentieth-Century Britain、Insurgency and Counterinsurgency、Lifecycles: Birth, Death and Illness in the Middle Ages、Anti-Apartheid: Cultures of the Struggle、Race and Second Wave Feminism in the US
学制1年,学费20750英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福92(听力21、阅读21、写作22、口语23),PTE 64(听力60、阅读60、写作60、口语60)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:MA History of Art Core Course、Advanced Research Skills、Art History Dissertation、Derrida and Deconstruction、Reading Sexual Difference、Jewish Museums and the Display of Cultural Difference、The Margins of Medieval Art、Unfinished Business: Trauma, Cultural Memory and the Holocaust、Movies, Migrants and Diasporas、Aesthetics and Politics、Intersecting Practices: Questioning the Intersection of Contemporary Art and Heritage、Adventures in the Archive、Postcolonial Feminisms、Encountering Things: Art and Entanglement in Anglo-Saxon England
学制1年,学费20750英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福92(听力21、阅读21、写作22、口语23),PTE 64(听力60、阅读60、写作60、口语60)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Approaches to Race、MA Race and Resistance: Dissertation、Researching Race and Resistance、Caribbean and Black British Writing、Turks, Moors, and Jews: Staging the Exotic in the Renaissance、India since 1947: Community, Caste and Political Violence、Patriotic Protest: Social Movements and Political Dissent in the United States of America、Sexuality and Disease in African History、Histories of Migration from Early Modern to Modern、Revolutions: Theory and Comparative Histories、Anti-Apartheid: Cultures of the Struggle
学制1年,学费20750英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福92(听力21、阅读21、写作22、口语23),PTE 64(听力60、阅读60、写作60、口语60)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation、Practising Modern History、Secrecy and Espionage in Early Modern Europe、Approaches to Contemporary European History、The continuation of war by other means? : Case Studies in Wartime Diplomacy 1931-1945、Gender and Power in Early Modern Europe、Medicine and Warfare in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries、Defending the Nation: Britain during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1793 to 1815、Stalinist Terror、India since 1947: Community, Caste and Political Violence、Patriotic Protest: Social Movements and Political Dissent in the United States of America、Sexuality and Disease in African History、Death, Dying and the Dead in Twentieth-Century Britain、Histories of Migration from Early Modern to Modern、Revolutions: Theory and Comparative Histories
学制1年,学费20750英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福92(听力21、阅读21、写作22、口语23),PTE 64(听力60、阅读60、写作60、口语60)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Introduction to Medieval Latin、Intermediate Medieval Latin、Research Methods and Bibliography、Palaeography: Reading Medieval Manuscripts、Medieval Studies Dissertation、The Margins of Medieval Art、Encountering Things: Art and Entanglement in Anglo-Saxon England、The Origins of Postcolonial England、Arthurian Legend: Medieval to Modern、Making History: Archive Collaborations、Bede’s Northumbria、Gender, Sex, and Love: Byzantium and the West, 900-1200、Christian Society and the Crusades, 1185-1230、Lifecycles: Birth, Death and Illness in the Middle Ages、Medieval German Language
学制1年,学费20750英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福92(听力21、阅读21、写作22、口语23),PTE 64(听力60、阅读60、写作60、口语60)
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